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Gorilla Safari & Trekking

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Gorilla Safari & Trekking

At the soaring mountainside and the infinite green hill lies profound wildlife scenery. Gorilla trekking is usually viewed as a life-changing event by several tourists. You have a rare opportunity to see the primates in their natural habitat. Encounter the gorillas as they go about their routine in the jungle. Professional guides and expert trackers accompany travelers on the adventurous trekking safari.

There are two categories of primates; the mountain gorilla and the lowland gorilla. Both can be found in the equatorial rainforest of Africa. The indigenous places where you can find the endangered primates are; Uganda, Rwanda, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Hiking to the summit from the Rwanda volcano edges and through the dense forest, you will have a breathtaking view of the majestic creatures on the planet.

You can easily spot the primates in Rwanda. There are around 1,000 mountain gorillas in the forest. The number has drastically increased due to the collaboration of NGOs, communities, and the government to protect the animals. In Virunga Massif, there are 604 primates.

The Volcano National Park has 12 categories of gorillas that are habituated. Additionally, there are other few habituated creatures meant for scientific research. The troops and groups of the primates include young ones, diverse females, and one silverback. They often stay in one place, and it is easy for the rangers to protect them.

The park issues only 96 tracking permits in a day. It is an awe-striking intimate experience. Travelers should book in advance not to miss out on the opportunity. You will be briefed at Kiningi, the headquarter of the Volcanoes National Park, at 7 am. The park gives the guidelines for gorilla trekking. They allocate tourists into various family groups; Susa, Hirwa, Igisha, Muhoza, Karisimbi, Agashya, Ugyenda, Sabyinyo, Umubano, Bwenge, Kwitonda, and Amahoro. Each group has 8 individuals, which does not include the guides. The hike across to the mountain takes 30 minutes to over 4 hours. The park provides porters that can help you carry cameras and backpacks. The trekking altitude distance ranges from 2,500m to 4,000m. The trackers are friendly and lend a hand along the way.

A 10% revenue of the Volcano National Park goes to the local communities. The funds construct amenities like health centers, schools, and roads. The park ensures a peaceful coexistence of the primates and the locals by setting up a compensation fund that caters to the damages that the creature may cause to their crops. The Gorilla tracking activity creates employment for the indigenous. They work as trackers, rangers, staff at the luxury lodges, drivers, and porters.

Travelers that wish to track the footsteps of the prominent Dian Fossey need to drive 30 minutes from the park. Later on. They hike through the forest for two-three hours to her tomb at 3,000m altitude. The permits facilitate the conservation of the creatures.

Experience the unforgettable event of gorillas chomping on bamboo. Moreover, you get to select whether you prefer a short, medium, or long trek. Take splendid photographs of the primates for the hour you are around them.

Rules of gorilla trekking

  • Do not bring kids under the age of 15
  • Gorillas do not like it when you maintain eye contact. They perceive it as hostility.
  • Avoid using flashlights when taking pictures.
  • Maintain a distance of 3m when you are near the primates
  • Remain quiet, and avoid making sudden moves in the presence of the creatures
  • If the silverback (male gorilla) becomes hostile while approaching, you do not panic. Stay right at the same spot at a crouch position, lower yourself, and act submissive.
  • At 200 m of the group of the primates avoid eating, drinking, or smoking.
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