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Amboseli National Park

Extraordinary Safaris

Amboseli National Park

Amboseli National Park is a famous Kenyan safari destination. The park provides an epic view of Mountain Kilimanjaro, the highest summit in Africa. You get a sneak peek of the iconic mountain. The salty dust hosts an enormous herd of elephants. You can easily see them in the early morning hours or in the evening. The vegetation to explore for the nature enthusiast includes; the marsh with sulphur springs, Lake Amboseli dried-up beds, rough thorn bush, acacia, woodland, and savannah. A visit to the Maasai community offers a bona fide experience.

Species that tourists can spot on their wildlife safari are; impalas, wild dogs, Masai giraffes, blue wildebeest, cheetahs, spotted hyenas, lions, grant zebras, nocturnal porcupines, cape buffaloes, dik-dik, crocodiles, mongooses, Maasai lions, lesser kudus, and hippos.

The park has over 600 bird species. It has 47 raptor species, cranes, pelicans, aqua birds, Madagascar pong herons, hammerkops, shoebills, lesser flamingoes, kingfishers, and lesser kestrels. April, Nov-Jan is the best time for birding as the migratory birds are around.

The scenic landscape is best for game viewing, camping, and birding. The big five creatures can be spotted. Amboseli NP is a picturesque destination that is at the border of Tanzania and Kenya. It is among the largest safari parks in Africa. Do not miss Amboseli, the best African safari destination in your Kenya itinerary.

Animals at Amboseli National Park

Amboseli National Park is mostly famous for its elephants. You can also spot the four of the African Big Five here, the endangered black rhino may be hard to spot. 

Other animals including wildebeests, Burchell’s zebra, Thomson’s gazelle and other herbivores can be also seen here.

Activities at Amboseli National Park

  • Tourists can spot the elephant herds and other wildlife games through the game drive in Amboseli National Park.
  • Guided walk around the park offers the tourists to explore the hidden treasures of the park and the best of closer views of the animals.
  • A cultural tour is also a very good activity to do while on your safari to Amboseli.
  • Hot Air Balloon Safari is one of the interesting things to do in your Kenya Safari.

Highlights of Amboseli National Park

  • The large tusked elephant herds.
  • Picturesque Mount Kilimanjaro.
  • Home to the African Big 5
  • An observation hill allows an overall view of the whole park, especially the swamps and elephant herds.
  • The famous Maasai people, who live around this park.

Best Time to visit Amboseli National Park

Amboseli can be visited at any time of year, but for a better experience, we recommend you visit in the dry months runs from June to October and January to February.

At this time of the year, you can find a better chance of wildlife viewing as the vegetation is thin and the animals gather around the water sources.

So, why are you waiting for? Plan your Safari to Kenya and visit the Amboseli National Park for a great safari experience!

Discover the essence of Kenya

Amboseli National Park On Map

Month-by-month Guide

When To Travel Amboseli National Park

  • Best
  • Good
  • Mixed
  • JAN
  • FEB
  • MAR
  • APR
  • MAY
  • JUN
  • JUL
  • AUG
  • SEP
  • OCT
  • NOV
  • DEC


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