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Things To Do In Zambia

Extraordinary Safaris
Extraordinary Travel Guide

Things To Do In Zambia

There are a ton of activities that visitors can indulge in Zambia. Ranging from boating in the Zambezi River to visiting the national parks. So, let’s look at six of the activities that you can do in Zambia:

Along the Luangwa River, go on game drives

For good cause, the South Luangwa National Park is the most well-known in Zambia. The area around the Luangwa River is home to some of Africa’s densest wildlife populations.

The area is renowned for its high concentration of leopards, huge herds of elephants assembled around oxbow lakes and species of Thornicroft’s giraffe and Crayshaw’s Zebra.

Witness Victoria Falls from a close-range

A great vantage point of Victoria Falls is from the Devil’s Pool.

  • The rock-lined pool at Victoria Falls’ edge allows you to swim to the brink of one of the biggest waterfalls on the planet and observe the view of the falls from a close range.

Devil’s pool is accessible on seasonal guided tours and is suggested for thrill-seekers.

Experience the biggest mammal migration on the planet!

The sky above Kasanka National Park springs to life with millions of bats every year from October to December. Yes, the great Wildebeest Migration in East Africa is not the world’s greatest migration!

Explore the Livingstone Museum

The Livingstone Museum is regarded as a tribute to the heritage of Zambia. It holds crucial cultural and archaeological displays centred on local tribes. As well as letters and mementoes of David Livingstone.

Go on a Walking Safari in South Luangwa National Park

A guided walking safari in the Zambia Destination – Luangwa is a great way to absorb yourself fully in its awesome wilderness.

Your knowledge of how every aspect of nature fits together in this wonderful ecosystem grows as do your senses.

Float by the Lower Zambezi River

The Lower Zambezi is a wonder of a reserve. With its expanse reaching out to the waters of the turquoise Zambezi River.

There’s plenty of wildlife to be found here as well. You can book your different activities at the lodges which include nature walks and canoe safaris.

Hence, be certain to try out the above activities when you visit Zambia. And, make sure to book a safari with us and we’ll provide you with a rich Zambian experience.

Month-by-month Guide

When To Travel Zambia

  • Best
  • Good
  • Mixed
  • JAN
  • FEB
  • MAR
  • APR
  • MAY
  • JUN
  • JUL
  • AUG
  • SEP
  • OCT
  • NOV
  • DEC


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